Centre Flavie-Laurent is now Centre Flavie, and they’re moving into a new, larger space that will enable a host of new activities to expand their mission. “We were incorporated in 2005,” explains Centre Flavie’s Board Chair, Julie Turenne-Maynard. “We didn’t worry about a branding strategy; we were focused on the mission. Fifteen years later, we thought it was high time to demonstrate who we are with a better visual identity. With our expansion project on the go, it was good timing for new beginnings.”
Centre Flavie distributes donated goods to vulnerable and impoverished populations at no charge. They support over 100 families a day and thousands of donations are received annually. Their new visual identity reflects their work. “Everything we do comes from the heart,” says Turenne-Maynard. “The heart in the logo represents the compassion in action that is demonstrated by volunteers and staff, but also by everyone in the community. The open box represents what people can pack up and take home, and visually, it looks like a person with their arms open, wanting to support those in need. It’s also a very contemporary expression of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.”

As for the name change, many in the community have been calling the organisation “Centre Flavie” or simply “Flavie” for years, so it was a natural progression. “We’ve also created a tagline: From Hearts to Homes.”
The physical changes to Centre Flavie are well underway. With the help of Réseau Compassion Network, they were able to acquire and combine four plots of land to build their new space just around the corner from their current location. Located at 301 Archibald Street, the new location will over 13,000 square feet of space, significantly larger than their current location on Provencher Boulevard.
Réseau Compassion Network contributed $550,000 towards Centre Flavie’s expansion and provided expertise in real estate and project management. A strong capital campaign was also run by Centre Flavie’s staff and volunteers to raise the funds to for the new location. There’s still a little way to go in that campaign, and those interested in contributing to the expansion can do so HERE.
As always, the goal of the expansion is to better serve those in need in the community. “We’ll be able to have a better flow of donations coming in and recipients’ goods going out,” continues Turenne-Maynard. “And we’ll have space for some new and exciting additions like a community garden, nicer outdoor spaces for those who are waiting for services, and a new social enterprise. We’re happy to have so many news ways to demonstrate our mission to the public, our volunteers and our participants.”
The social enterprise (a business with specific social goals for its’ revenues) will be called the Boutique Unique and will be the latest destination for vintage clothing, antique furniture and, as the name denotes, anything unique that could appeal to a collector. This store will be open to the public, feature a strong online presence and most importantly, raise funds for the work happening at Centre Flavie every day.
The new space on Archibald is on track for an early summer opening date, thanks to the hard work of many. “Our board, staff and volunteers have been wonderful and we’re looking forward to an exciting future,” concludes Turenne-Maynard.
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