Our Network Members

We are responsible for a family of 13 health, social and human service agencies where every day, more than 7,900 people of all faiths, traditions and cultures make a difference in the lives of those who walk through our doors in their time of need.

These distinct health care, social and human service agencies (and their foundations) represent a network of organizations working across a continuum of care.

Together, our services are delivered in five main areas of care:

  1. Primary/Community Health Care
  2. Acute Care
  3. Long-term Care
  4. Comprehensive Services to People Living with Developmental Disabilities
  5. Housing and Social Services
Accueil Francophone
Aulneau Renewal Centre
Centre de santé Saint-Boniface
Centre Flavie-Laurent
Residence Despins
Villa Aulneau
Sara Riel
Ste. Rose Health Centre
St. Boniface Hospital
Winnipegosis and District Health Centre
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