From the Heart

28 June, 2022 | From the Heart

From the Heart is a space for the reflections of our staff on issues that matter to them, to our network, and most importantly, to those we walk alongside.

This month, our CEO, Daniel Lussier, shares his reflections on our Annual General Meeting and his wishes for the summer.

On June 16th, we were finally able to do what we have waited for so long: gather together in person to reflect on our collective work over the past year. Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) took place at the Norwood Hotel in the afternoon, and our annual banquet was held that evening.

For us, the AGM is a chance to hear from our network members; to understand what challenges they’ve faced, what successes they’ve achieved, and what’s on the horizon. We are privileged to work with a leadership group who passionately advocate for and support their clientele. We recognize how much there is for us to learn by simply listening, and we heard some important themes this year:

  • Staffing continues to be a challenge across the board, especially in our rural communities. Our Recruitment and Retention Committee is made up of staff from across the network, and they are coming up with new ways to work collaboratively as a network to attract people who will want to work within our organizations.
  • Reconciliation, diversity and inclusion are still top of mind. Organisations are all at different places in their journeys, but they are committed to doing better and creating safe spaces for everyone. We will be meeting as a leadership group in the upcoming year specifically to determine how we can better support each other and to determine how best to resource this very important work.
  • Many of the challenges faced by those we support in the community have been exacerbated by the pandemic. Loneliness and isolation continue to be one of the top concerns. We all want to strive to create a more loving and connected society. Again, there are projects that are forming within the network that will emerge in the year ahead that will require our attention.
  • Most of all, as a group, we are deeply committed to our mission of finding innovative solutions to unmet needs. Our organisations continued to thrive and evolve through the pandemic, always striving to meet the changing needs of their clientele. The dedication and commitment of staff can never be highlighted enough.

The banquet was a great chance to spend some time together, to socialize, network and celebrate all that has been accomplished in the past two years, through all the ups and downs. The photo below truly embodies the feeling in the room that evening: smiles, laughter and enthusiasm.

A section of the room during our annual banquet.

As we begin our summer, I hope you will have time to spend some time in nature, reconnect with family and friends, or whatever else you might need to refill your cup after another busy spring. May these summer months be sunny, warm, and mosquito-free (we can always dream!).

From the Réseau Compassion Network team, we’re wishing you a wonderful summer. Thank you again for being a part of our community.


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