With 13 health and human services agencies in Manitoba, and their various foundations, the number of people from our communities who step up to give their time and bring their gifts to our network is always very humbling.
We are so grateful to each person who volunteers to help us respond to people’s needs, from the heart.
A hearty welcome to:
Centre de santé Saint-Boniface
Christian Delaquis
Natalie Duhamel
John Ferrer
Rhéa Rocque
Centre Flavie
Louise Legal-Perrin
Debra Radi
Joannie Roy
Youville Centre
Alicia Ali
Ano Amal Baba-Lawal
Sudhanshu Bhatnagar
Brendan Reimer
St. Boniface Hospital Foundation
Margot Meagher
Lourdes Still
Sam Vickar
Prévost Foundation
Terri-Lynn Archambault
Diane Hess
Gerald Ingelbeen
Sharon Tucker
Sara Riel Foundation
Neeta Islam
Andrea Jackson
St.Amant Foundation
Wayne Davies
Jacqueline Desrochers
Dallas Molloy
Charlene Paquin
Sheri Pelletier
Dale Voluntad
St. Boniface Hospital
Jonathan Letkemann
Stephan Carson
John Deitz
Kendell Joiner
Sara Riel
Ajay Chopra
David Kolton
Ashley Watsko
Athalie Arnal
Vernon DePape
Gina Trinidad
Ste. Rose Health Centre
Donna Sabiston
Winnipegosis & District Health Centre
Justin Barsewsky
We send our heartfelt thanks to all of those finishing their terms with us this year:
Gaëtanne Kurlowicz
Erik St-Hilaire
Claudette Toupin
Aulneau Renewal Centre
Bernice Parent
Lisa Raven
Centre de santé Saint-Boniface
Marc Fabas
Rachel Ferguson
Natalie Gagné
Rémi Gosselin
Monique LaCoste
Centre Flavie
Robert Paquin
Julie Turenne-Maynard
St. Boniface Hospital Foundation
Ida Albo
Tanya Benoit
Debbie Burka
Neil Duboff
Caroline Kiva
Youville Centre
Nicole Gautron
Éric Lafrenière
Kathleen Messner
Loriebeth Quileza
Sara Riel Foundation
Laurel Mitchell
St.Amant Foundation
Ken Kustra
Gestion Providentia
Carole Paré
St. Boniface Hospital
Carmine Militano
Sara Riel
Michelle McPike
David Scott