Stronger Together

13 March, 2020 | Initiatives and Projects, Réseau Compassion Network

In December, 25 employees from CHCM’s Network gathered to learn about journalism, the media and how to “ace” live interviews.  Monique LaCoste, former radio and television host/anchor; accredited business communicator; and public relations expert offered the session in English with opportunities to discuss and practice in French.

Attendees provided information beforehand for Monique to prepare interview scenarios. The set-up was complete with microphone, live feed, professional camera operator and lights!

Evaluations showed that participants were more comfortable with media interviews and gained valuable knowledge in relation to the media after having attended the one day workshop.

The training was provided to give our Network the opportunity to gain more confidence while engaging with media, and in turn, help more vulnerable people in our community.

“We make every effort to provide meaningful opportunities for employees and board members to grow their knowledge and network.” Said Paul Vermette, Director of Strategic Initiatives, who oversees the collaborative programs.

We, at the Catholic Health Corporation of Manitoba, strive to bring value to our network of organizations through a variety of collaborative opportunities, such as the Human Resources Group. They meet every few months with a Human Resources consultant to discuss important topics in the field, like engagement, leadership and hiring practices.  

In the fall, the group was welcomed for a two-day learning opportunity on investigations in the workplace. Since that training, participants have discussed many opportunities for resource sharing within the Human Resources professionals in our Network.

Opportunities like the media training and Human Resources group are important parts of our future. We want to provide inclusive spaces for our organizations to learn and create innovative and meaningful change in our community.

Going forward, we will continue to provide staff within our Network the opportunity to learn from one another and work together- we’re always open to your feedback. If you have an idea for collaboration or training, please email