Reconciliation in Action

Réseau Compassion Network identifies emerging and unmet needs in the communities we serve, and then we invest in bold, innovative solutions to make a difference in the lives of Manitobans.

We are active partners in the spirit of reconciliation and are committed to walking alongside Indigenous peoples as they continue to heal their communities.

Clan Mothers Healing Village

By contributing to the Clan Mothers Healing Village, which was conceived as a traditional land-based Indigenous healing initiative, we envision that the project will truly change lives. In a community living environment, Indigenous healing and spiritual mentorship will support individual growth through long term programming, training, and social enterprise. The Healing Village has created a new model of Indigenous healing and self-governance, by approaching the trauma Indigenous women are facing with traditional practices.

Réseau Compassion Network worked with Clan Mothers for over five years. To support the initiative, and in a gesture of “giving back land”, our organization donated 130 acres of waterfront property along Lake Winnipeg on which to build the village. This land had formerly been owned by the Sisters of the Good Sheppard.

“There is something profoundly meaningful in the transfer. Land once owned by the Sisters being transferred back to Indigenous women to care for women in need”.

Read more about Réseau Compassion Network and their involvement with Clan Mothers Healing Village.

Indigenous woman holding a little girl’s hand and walking towards a lake

Réseau Compassion Network, and its network organizations, are proud to be part of the community in which we work. We believe we can have a meaningful impact in people’s lives.

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