Member News

This space is dedicated to sharing good news, successes, activities and important updates from our family of 15 health organizations and social services agencies.

Aulneau Renewal Centre receives a $25,000 Grant

Ahead of Bell Let’s Talk Day (hosted on January 26th), Aulneau Renewal Centre has been selected as a recipient of a $25,000 grant to support mental health

initiatives for youth. With the funds, they’re hosting two rounds of Dealing with Difficult Emotions: A DBT Skills Group.

Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) is an evidence-based model of therapy intended to encourage people to learn and use skills and strategies through acceptance and change. One group will focus on youth aged 14 to 17, and the other group on youth aged 18 to 29. Both courses began in January and will run for 24 weeks.

St.Amant Hosting a COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic

St.Amant will be hosting an indoor Pfizer and Moderna clinic on Friday, February 4th and Saturday, February 5th at their head office located at 440 River Road in St. Vital.

Vaccines available:

  • Booster shots for those 18+ *
  • First and second shots for children aged 5 to 18

* Eligible Manitobans are those who received their second dose at least six months ago.

Their vaccinators are experienced in supporting people who are nervous/anxious and who might need a little more time and information. If you need a specific accommodation, St.Amant is happy to help! They will have nurses, pharmacists and medical professionals on site who will be ready to answer any and all questions. If you, someone you support or your loved one needs accommodations or additional supports, please let us know when registering or call us at 431.388.6520.

To find out more or to reserve your spot, click here.


discussing medication