Kindness in our Community

24 April, 2020 | Articles

Now is a great time to give gratitude to those who are making a difference.  Local businesses have been incredibly generous, offering meals and care packages to front-line staff in our Network. Here are a few remarkable businesses in our neighbourhood.

Thank you!

Tim Hortons’ William Kent Group for their donation of a dozen donuts & coffee for ten community homes supported by St.Amant.

McDonald’s (1501 St. Mary’s Road) for their generous donation of coffee to the wonderful staff at St.Amant’s 440 River Road location.  They donated coffee three separate times on, April 14, to cover staff on all shifts.

Earls Restaurants thoughtfully delivered 100 individually packed lunches to St. Boniface Hospital staff.

Yard Burger Winnipeg Sara Gray, Jim & Krista Morden, TNRED, Academy Hospitality and Bobby Mottola made a generous delivery of meals to St. Boniface Hospital staff

Broadway Pharmacy for donating 200 bottles of hand sanitizer to St Amant.  

Let’s keep this gratitude train going!

If you’d like to give a shout-out to a staff person, a volunteer, community member or generous business please email or call 204-391-7181. We’ll share your shout-out on our website, on social media and in the next edition of Luminescence.



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