From the Heart | December 2021

20 December, 2021 | From the Heart

As this holiday and Christmas season approaches, we want to extend to one and all our deep, deep gratitude for the many ways with which you make the world a better place.  

It is a time of hope and renewal for many this season. And as we are confronted yet again with a new variant that is causing more harm in our community and to our health system, we are all hopeful that we will eventually move on from this seemingly never-ending cycle.

As you gather responsibly with family and friends, we welcome you to consider a moment of gratitude for those who work in health and social services year-round but especially during the holidays. Once more, this time of year will look like a rush of long shifts, overtime hours and time away from those they love. Remember when the pandemic first arrived, these were our heroes. They have endured much, they are still there today and in much need of your continued support. 

Their continued sacrifices and hard work have been essential for so many people in their time of need. While we have all struggled to adapt to a pandemic world, they have continued carrying on through every iteration and have taken such care of those who are sick, scared or suffering.

To honour their continued sacrifices, we ask that you get vaccinated and if you’re eligible, get a booster. This will not only help keep you and your loved ones safe, but also help reduce the strain on our hospitals and most importantly, the strain on those who are working so hard to keep healthcare system going. 

Let’s also remember that there are many who continue to suffer in our community as they struggle to access much-needed care that has been delayed due to the lack of capacity in the system. 

Getting vaccinated is a way to bringing hope into our world and into our community.  This loving gesture will bring upon the renewal we need to move on from this pandemic.

Let all that you do be done in love.
– 1 Cor 16 :14

We wish you a very Merry Christmas, happiness, health and all that you need for a peaceful and joyous year ahead.

Daniel Lussier


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