From the Heart

30 January, 2023 | From the Heart

From the Heart is a space for the reflections of our staff on issues that matter to them, to our network, and most importantly, to those we walk alongside.

This month, we hear from our Director of Communications, Dominique Philibert.

A new year often means new resolutions… Whether our list is very short, so we can focus on the essentials, or a longer compilation of ideas and desires, these goals put to paper reflect our aspirations to build a better life and have a smoother year, filled with personal victories, both big and small.

Have your new year’s resolutions ever included communicating more effectively, both in terms of how you express yourself and talk to others or yourself? Do you take the time when a difficult situation arises to try to find the right words to resolve the impasse with compassion? Do you explain yourself concisely, honestly, fairly?

Communication is an art in itself that starts with active listening; listening in order to better respond, assist, support, understand and explain. It also involves expressing who we are, what we care about and what motivates and moves us.

As we enter 2023, Réseau Compassion Network has embarked on the development of a communications strategy to raise awareness of the Network brand among our member organizations and their staff. Who are we? What do we do and what are our core values, principles and vision? While finding the right words was quite a challenge, I hope that as we unveil this new communication strategy, we will have succeeded and that you feel compelled, included and – dare I say – even proud.

As a network, we strive to address the unmet needs of our communities. Together, driven by love and compassion for others, we give careful attention to every individual to fully understand their situation and needs. It is very meaningful work. We respond to people’s needs from the heart.

We have been working on this communication strategy over the past few months and the process of building stronger ties within our Network has begun. Our goals are to create a sense of family and show staff that they are part of something bigger than their own organization. We want to increase awareness of the work we do, internally, among Network members, and externally, to the public, in our communities, with governments and beyond. Ultimately, we want to support recruitment and attract talent to our organizations.

We are confident that you will soon be seeing the Réseau Compassion Network Promise in your workplace. I hope its words resonate with you:

  • We accompany people and offer help and hope
  • We provide a welcoming and understanding environment
  • We, and our network of organizations, are part of a community of shared values
  • We have compassion for each individual’s needs
  • We are committed to providing excellence in our work and our programs

I also sincerely hope that, at the beginning of this new year, you take the time to be present with yourself, to give yourself the gentle encouragement that you need… The type of words that we would offer without hesitation to a friend or a colleague, but that we too often forget when it comes to ourselves. When it comes to effective communication, remember self-care is a great place to start.


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