From the Heart is a space for the reflections of our staff on issues that matter to them, to our network, and most importantly, to those we walk alongside.
This month, each of our staff members are sharing their best wishes for you and yours. On behalf of Réseau Compassion Network: Merry Christmas and happy holidays!
May the spirit of Christmas bless your home, fill your heart and inspire you to spread love, kindness and compassion to those all around you and may the Christmas cheer that surrounds you also bring you a deep and abiding sense of peace.
– Stéphane Dorge
The holiday season can be complicated. My wish for those in our community and beyond is that you are able to find beauty and joy in small moments and peace and comfort in moments that feel more challenging. The more we choose love, beginning with ourselves, the more we are able to reach out with love to others. May you know that we at RCN are genuinely sending love your way now and always.
– Jennifer Kilimnik
When I was asked to consider what holiday wishes I might want to share, three words immediately came to mind: comfort, safety and peace. These may sound like simple wishes to some, but to many, they aren’t always easy to attain. May you find what you need to celebrate this season, and find comfort, safety and peace all year round.
– Maxine Robert
The end of the year is a time of reflection and introspection for me. My heart and mind turn towards all the reasons I’m grateful for all that has happened in the past year. I think about the successes, of course, but also – and perhaps above all – the challenges I’ve faced and the learning I’ve gained from them. Also, after having lost my dad to cancer at the age of 62, I never fail to express gratitude for my health, and that my children and loved ones are healthy, too. This holiday season, I hope we all have time to savour moments big and small, to recharge our batteries, and to celebrate in anticipation all that life has in store for us in the year to come.
– Dominique Philibert
In my meditations this month, I practice with gratitude; for my family, friends and colleagues and for my health. I practice with loving kindness; for all people who are in pain, may they know some comfort this holiday season. For all people who are alone, may they feel new moments of belonging. And for those who are suffering harm or are witnessing atrocity in our community and throughout the world, may they find peace and safety ❤️
– Andrew Terhoch
It seems that so many people are slogging through their days right now. Folks are tired, worried and a bit melancholy. So my wish this year is a simple one: I hope we’re all able to slow down, to rest, and to do things that remind us of what matters most. May you have a calm, cozy and quiet time together with those you love.
– Jocelyne Nicolas
As we approach the holiday season, I have been thinking about how our world feels more divided than ever. My wish is that we strive to see the best in each other, be open to learning and reflection, and that we seek to understand before we seek to defend our views. It will take all of us to create a safe, and hope-filled world. Please treat each other with love and compassion, now and in the year ahead.
– Paul Vermette
At this time of year, I am thankful to have the opportunity to share special moments with family and friends. Sadly, we do not all have the good fortune to be surrounded by the people we love or even to enjoy the basic necessities of life. During this holiday season, it’s important to reach out to people who are alone or in need. I think of those facing challenges of being isolated, without their loved ones during the holidays, and my heart goes out to them. I am hopeful that they will be blessed with the opportunity to spend the holidays surrounded with love and joy. May we be grateful for all that we have received this year and be mindful of the many ways to help alleviate someone else’s burden, by being more loving, caring, and most of all, by practicing kindness through our daily actions throughout the year.
– Muriel Therrien
As our family continues to grow with the addition of beautiful grandchildren, I appreciate more and more the time we have to slow down, disconnect from our busy lives and simply be together. My wishes for this holiday season are that we are all surrounded by the sound of laughter, that we enjoy the nourishment of wonderful meals and the feeling of warmth that only comes from being with those you love.
– Bob Lafrenière
Wishing every one love, peace and a sense of belonging at this time of year. May we all find a way to spread kindness and love, especially to those we encounter who may be, for whatever reason, struggling or feel alone.
– Daniel Lussier