Big News

We take part in projects that empower people and generate community solutions that help to prevent and alleviate suffering, in areas where the needs are the greatest.

Here are just a few ways that we’re working to create a hope-filled community.

Collaborative Educational Opportunities

In late 2019, 25 employees from our Network gathered to learn about journalism, the media and how to “ace” live interviews. Monique LaCoste, former radio and television host/anchor offered the session in English with opportunities to discuss and practice in French. The training was provided to give our Network the opportunity to gain more confidence while engaging with media, and in turn, help more vulnerable people in our community.

We strive to bring value to our Network of organizations through a variety of collaborative opportunities, such as a Human Resources Group that meets every few months with a Human Resources consulting firm to discuss important topics in the field, like engagement, leadership and hiring practices.

In the fall, the group was welcomed for a two-day learning opportunity on investigations in the workplace. Since that training, participants have discussed many opportunities for resource sharing within the Human Resources professionals in our Network.

Opportunities like the media training and Human Resources group are important parts of our future. We want to provide inclusive spaces for our organizations to learn and create innovative and meaningful change in our community.

Mental Health Resources

The Compassion Network in partnership with the Catholic Health Association of Manitoba (CHAM) and Interfaith Health Association of Manitoba (IHCAM) are pleased to share a compilation of mental health resources. Special thank you to Aulneau Renewal Centre, Sara Riel and St.Amant staff for creating many of these tools.

This information is designed to help everyone navigate these challenging and unprecedented times. We hope that these remote tools can assist you in taking care of your mental health, while taking care of others.

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A Hopeful Future

For over 20 years, Sister Carole Peloquin has been changing the lives of incarcerated men. In collaboration with Réseau Compassion Network, her legacy will continue to provide an intentional community of support for those exiting the prison system.

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