Employee Spotlight: Bob Lafreniere

26 November, 2020 | Profiles

Bob Lafreniere is our Chief Financial Officer but his role goes far beyond numbers and spreadsheets. Bob has his hand in several special projects such as parking solutions for St. Boniface Hospital, creating affordable housing opportunities and finding new ways for us to make an impact in the community. He loves his role and thinks it’s a perfect fit for where he’s at in his career.  

“I’m at very interesting point in my life,” he says. “I’m not career-building, I’m not trying to maintain a certain standard of living. I’m trying to use my experience and knowledge to make a positive impact in the world.” He’s using what he calls his fault-finding brain to suss out the best way to move forward, while being guided by a strong desire to do what’s right for those who need our support.  

Bob also hosts one heck of a backyard BBQ party; the Compassion Network staff can attest to that. His enthusiasm for our team, our causes and our organisation bring a mix of solid planning and passion to everything we do. 


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