As we move towards the end of 2020, there are glimmers of light starting to emerge through dark clouds as we continue to deal with our uncertain and somewhat fragile Covid-19 environment. With news of vaccines that may become available in the early part of 2021, there is hope that, with our continued efforts, we are on our way to a new beginning. With that in mind, I’ve been thinking about the things that we’ve discovered during this time of challenge and what we’ll want to carry with us into the future.
I’m hopeful that we will continue to shine the light on inequalities and remember the importance of the investments we make in health and social services, and our education systems. I’m hopeful that when we turn to rebuilding our economy, we build a more inclusive one that can benefit everyone. I’m hopeful we will remember the tremendous ways that those who care for others have stepped up during our time of need, and that we deal with the disparity between their importance in our communities and what they are paid.
I’m hopeful that we will always remember the importance of human connection, that we are on this journey together and that we need each other if we are to reach our full potential. I’m hopful that we will continue to find ways to reach out to those who are isolated and lonely, especially those who may be vulnerable. I’m hopeful that the sense of community that’s so present today grows even stronger as we each do our part to keep each other safe.
And for today, in this moment, I just want to thank each and everyone one of you once again for doing everything you can to ensure we can contain the spread of this virus in our communities. Your efforts and sacrifices will help keep loved ones healthy, front-line workers safe, and our caring system functioning so that those who need services most will continue to be able to do so.
Blessings to all!
Dan Lussier