During this festive time of year, the team at Réseau Compassion Network would like to share their Christmas wishes with you!
Daniel Lussier
Wishing everyone peace, love and hope as we head into this sacred time of year. It is time to celebrate new beginnings, to count our many blessings and to appreciate how connected we are to each other and to this great mystery called life that continues to unfold each and every day… each and every moment. And yet for some, this time of year will not bring a sense of joy and happiness. There are many who continue to remain alone, feel isolated, disconnected and who are struggling. I invite everyone to consider ways with which we can extend kindness and love to all who we may encounter.
Let all that you do be done in love.
– 1 Cor 16 :14
Maxine Robert
One person, one gesture, a better world. The power of an act of kindness, however small, can create a positive impact around us. It reminds us that every gesture of respect, love and inclusion can change lives and contribute to a fairer, more harmonious world. This Christmas season, let’s all be that person who, through their actions, makes the world a little better. May the spirit of Christmas light up your heart and guide you into a new year filled with hope.
Dominique Philibert
As 2024 draws to a close, a year of great upheaval and insecurity of all kinds – both internationally and in our communities – I wish us all a New Year filled with harmony, resilience, reconciliation, compassion and sharing with one another. Ultimately, I hope we can all enjoy days filled with peace, serenity and love. May little treats, moments of comfort, and the creation of meaningful connections nourish our physical, emotional and spiritual health and spread gratitude and kindness all around us on a small and large scale.
Bob Lafrenière
As our family continues to grow with the addition of beautiful grandchildren, I appreciate more and more the time we have to slow down, disconnect from our busy lives and simply be together. My wishes for this holiday season are that we are all surrounded by the sound of laughter, that we enjoy the nourishment of wonderful meals and the feeling of warmth that only comes from being with those you love.
Andrew Terhoch
Some of my most meaningful memories from this past year, have been times spent alongside colleagues, sharing in gratitude and reflecting on the reasons why we are called into human service. Our common humanity is a source of meaning and hope for me. Courage and love arise when we see ourselves in one another. So for Christmas and into the New Year, these are my hopes for all in human service in communities and Nations throughout Manitoba – feeling gratitude, meaning, hope, courage and love, and a sense of connection to our common humanity ❤️
Stéphane Dorge
This year, I am thinking of those who might be a little sad around the holidays. Christmas can be difficult for those who have lost someone special, but may the love and support of those around you bring light and peace to this time.
Jocelyne Nicolas
This year, I wish you peace in every sense of the word. I hope you can find peace in your heart when things feel difficult, peace in your body when things feel painful, and peace in your world when many seem to be struggling. The holidays are always a chance for us to pause and ponder, to reflect on who we have been and what we have done this year; may you celebrate all that you’ve been able to accomplish and look forward to all that is to come. Wishing you good health and good cheer!
Muriel Therrien
As per Santa’s quote in the Polar Express:
The true Spirit of Christmas lies in our hearts!
Let us be present to those we love surrounding us and may this Christmas be a time of reflection to better understand that true Christmas Spirit is to spread generosity, kindness and love. Wishing you all joy, warmth, peace and laughter this festive season, as well as a heartfelt thank you for walking alongside us on our journey at RCN.