In November 2019, Centre Flavie-Laurent launched a $1,500,000 capital campaign to purchase a larger property that aims to improve the service to clients, support volunteers and staff, and house material goods, clothing, furniture, and bedding for impoverished and vulnerable populations who rely on Flavie’s service.
Despite COVID-19, Flavie has received generous donations from community individuals and organizations. “Today, we are pleased to announce that the Winnipeg Foundation’s major capital grant program is contributing $250,000 to this project bringing us to $1,100,000 or 73% of our capital campaign objective”, stated Julie Turenne-Maynard, chairperson of the Centre Flavie-Laurent.
“The Winnipeg Foundation funds charities working in all Cause areas in our community,” says Rick Frost, CEO of The Winnipeg Foundation. “We are pleased to support the work of Centre Flavie-Laurent, which shares our vision of creating ‘A Winnipeg where community life flourishes for all.’ This support would not be possible without the generations of generous donors who have chosen to support the community though The Winnipeg Foundation.”
“We are extremely grateful and indebted to The Winnipeg Foundation’s steadfast support of Flavie who strives to be an effective ally in the battle against poverty so that the most vulnerable may live in a dignified manner”, declares Gilbert Vielfaure, Executive Director.
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