Twenty-five Years of Responding to Unmet Needs

Every day, there are Manitobans whose needs go unmet. At Réseau Compassion Network, we make it our work to identify and meet those needs — whether that’s through our network member organisations or new programs that serve the most vulnerable.

Since 2000, Réseau Compassion Network has walked with people in our communities to understand their stories and their circumstances, staying responsive to emerging social challenges as our world continues to change. We have stood by our promise to accompany people, to offer help and hope in a welcoming and understanding environment. Our commitment to social justice and willingness to take bold and courageous steps have helped get things done while improving lives.

A Shared Passion for Making a Difference

We care about our province, and doing the right things for the right reasons. So we strive to find the good in our communities and nurture the hidden potential in everyone. Réseau Compassion Network will continue to support underserved populations with a spirit of love and compassion, appreciating that we are part of an ecosystem of dedicated and courageous business leaders and non-profit organisations we respect greatly.

Celebrating a Legacy

With a quarter century of service behind us, and staying true to our pioneering founders, we envision the next 25 years as a time for hope-filled community where every person acts in solidarity Les suites Marion-Exteriorfor the well-being of others — and where successful partnerships with like-minded organisations yield real benefits for those most in need.

Exterior of Marion Suites building with cars parked outside.

Care about affordable housing?

We do too. Made possible by Réseau Compassion Network, Les suites Marion provides its residents with a place to call home, along with wrap-around supports. And, we continue exploring collaborative opportunities to provide more options for all those seeking a place to live.

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