Supporting Ukrainian Families in Manitoba

27 June, 2022 | Initiatives and Projects

As the invasion of the Ukraine by Russian forces carries into its fourth month, a fundraising initiative in Manitoba’s Francophone community is nearing its goal. The Solidarité Ukraine project, led in partnership with the Société de la francophonie manitobaine and Francofonds, includes a matching gift program supported by Réseau Compassion Network.

“For us, it was a very simple decision to get involved,” explains the CEO of Réseau Compassion Network, Daniel Lussier. “We are guided by the legacy of the nuns who have entrusted us to carry on their work. There’s no doubt that they would have been deeply involved in welcoming refugees from the Ukraine to Manitoba.” Réseau Compassion Network is matching donations up to $50,000.

Madeleine Arbez, the Executive Director of Francofonds, shares that the fundraising goal of $100,000 has nearly been achieved but the need is still urgent. “We have raised over $82,000 and there is still about $6,000 in matching gifts available,” she explains. “If ever you’ve considered donating, now is the time. We really want to ensure we can get these funds into the hands of those who need it most.”

The funds themselves will be distributed by the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, who are involved with the resettlement of those fleeing the war. “We wanted to create a fund that would be able to be used by the Ukrainian community as they welcome friends and loved ones to their new homes,” Arbez continues. “We have some guidelines as to how we’d like to see the funds spent, but truly, the Congress will know where the needs are greatest.” She mentions that the funds will be used to help with resettlement costs that will help newly arrived families establish themselves in Manitoba.

The Francophone community has special ties to the Ukrainian community, especially in the keystone province. “When we were we were living through a time when our rights as Francophones were being called into question [in the 1980s], the Ukrainian community was the first to step up and stand by our side,” continues Arbez. “That was really important. You can’t stand alone during these times, and we are truly thankful for their support. It’s our turn today, to stand with the Ukrainian community now that they are the ones in need.”

To make a donation to the campaign and to have your funds matched, please click here.


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