A small group of Réseau Compassion Network (RCN) leaders spent five days and four nights at the...
Initiatives and Projects
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Allison Needham Invites Honest Talks on Anti-Racism
Allison Needham is the Director of Anti-Racism, Equity and Social Accountability at Toronto Unity...
Uniting Hearts: CHAC Conference Comes to Winnipeg
On May 8 to 10th, the Catholic Health Association of Canada (CHAC) Annual Conference is coming...
Broader Perspectives on Complex Poverty
Complex poverty is a social model that explains how the lack of access to life’s basic needs...
Memories of the Sister’s Cabin at St. Boniface Hospital
If you’ve ever taken a walk along the river behind St. Boniface Hospital, you might have stumbled...
A Legacy of Support and Charity
The congregation of the Soeurs du Sauveur were a small group of women religious dedicated to...
Celebrating Black History Month
Every February, people across Canada participate in Black History Month events and festivities...
Working Together to Transform Long Term Care
Imagine having to consider moving your elderly parent for the third time in as many years. Perhaps...